FEMA Open House January 18th and 19th. Details below:

NEWS RELEASE 1/13/22 – Continuing our outreach campaign please click link below to see the timeline for our levee system:
Timeline of Wood River Levee System
Next up in our outreach campaign “Let’s Talk About Levees” – levee terms!
This product is a partnership with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wood River Drainage & Levee District and the City of Wood River as part of a community awareness campaign.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: Levee District, and City of Wood River partner for community awareness campaign.
The Levee Safety Program was initiated by USACE in 2006 to help the community better understand, prioritize, and manage the flood risks associated with levees. To better help keep our communities informed USACE, WRDLD and the City of Wood River have all partnered together to aid in this effort. USACE, in partnership with the Levee District and City of Wood River, will be releasing a series of products about the Wood River levee systems in the coming weeks.
The link below, Let’s Talk About Levees, is the first release to kick off our community awareness campaign which gives a broad overview and history of our system. We will update our page as more releases are available. You may also visit the USACE Website or FaceBook page for more information.